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Shooting my second movie has been the most compelling experience in my life. Looking back, it seems impossible to shoot on those difficult locations only in 32 days. We had four cities, 27 locations, and 70 sets. We had to block crazy traffic in Semarang and Jakarta, race against sunset and sunrise, shooting approximately 18 hours a day. Semarang, Central Java, can reach up to 42 degree Celcius (108 F) during the day, everybody looked so tanned. One military officer went into one-week detention in jail because his superior officer didn't get his message that we were gonna use their military housing and we had to do guerilla filmmaking because we didn't get the permit of some of the locations. But the crew and the cast's morale was incredible high and everybody seemed to have the time of their life. When we looked at the rushes, we made a huge smile on our face. We were making a kick-ass movie that will blow people away.

Here's some of the photos of the making of "Dead Time".

P.S. Our official website is coming very soon. :))

Posted by Joko Anwar 9:24 PM  


  1. Anonymous said...
    Jok... Gw berharap ama elo!
    Itu aja!!

    In the name of resurrection terhadap film indonesia tentunya. Beberapa filmaker yang meretas bangkitnya perfilman lokal ternyata semakin melempem...
    So far, gw 100% yakin ama premise DEAD TIME... Moga2 sesuai ekspetasi gw...

    Btw JANJI JONI is one of the greatest indonesian film of all time!...

    Joko Anwar said...

    Joe, what a flattering review you did on Janji Joni, I mean by comparing Joni to those film geniuses. Thanks... :))

    Hopefully I won't let you down with Dead Time. Please reserve one day in April for the premiere.
    Anonymous said...
    Jia you!!! Semangat ya!
    Ditunggu pelemnyah!

    -neneng ceriwis-
    Anonymous said...
    Whoa..cant wait to see this movie Mr.Jok hehehe, btw akhirnya salah satu mimpi gw dari kecil kesampean lagi...,ada yg syuting di kota lama semarang hehe (coz setau gw baru GIE n DEAD TIME),sukses buat filmnya Mas. Thanks udah mau bikin film bermutu (JANJI JONI), cape gw liat film2 indo cupu. Moga2 film ini bisa diterima just like JANJI JONI, Amin !!!!
    Ayo Mr.Jok bikin sutradara2 yg lain gak males bikin film bermutu!!!!
    Anonymous said...
    Ehmm photo2nya bagus2..apalagi filmnya...jadi pingin nonton....
    sendja said...
    hai..hai..dulu kita pernah ketemu di cinema cinema :p keren dan seru foto2 behind the scene-nya..jadi penasaran liat filmnya. good luck!
    rievees said...
    Wahh.. jadi penasaran nech pengen nuntun filmnya...
    Kapan premiere nya mas?
    Moga2 bisa okeh kaya Janji Joni nya ya... (even aku ga sempet bikin postingan review filmnya, tapi aku salah satu fans film itu =D)
    Sukses ya utk DEAD TIME nya! =DD
    Anonymous said...
    wow! post terus dong fotonya sampe release !!

    kayaknya baru september lalu kita ngobrolin film lo ini tiba tiba udah hampir jadi... hehe hebat.
    gue gak sabar pengen lihat.
    nurma said...
    Buat Mas Joko, Thanks udah bikin saya tambah semangat nonton film Indonesia yang beda dari sekedar cinta-cintaan seperti sinetron TV. ngga sabar nunggu film ini!

    wish u the best!
    Anonymous said...
    can't wait for this movie!

    moga2 bisa bikin orang tidak menyesal untuk kembali nonton film Indonesia (setelah mual dan tersiksa dengan film Indonesia yang beredar sekarang ini)

    btw, agree with joe!
    thanks for producing janji joni, so I can be proud to say that I' a fans of good quality Indonesian movies


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